Google Updates

Google has a couple new elements going on in its results pages. The first one is the addition of brand links for some queries.
In the ones I've seen, they appear near the top of the results, just below the top paid listings. They are not links to the sites of these brands, however. They are links to SERPs for queries that incorporate those brands into them. For example, clicking "Wilson" in the footballs example will take me to results page for "wilson footballs".

New Search Engine (SEO) Academy in Washington


The first SEO training school in the Washington Metro Area has begun enrolling student to learn about the SEO and in its upcoming certificate courses. Classes are designed for people with few or no experience in SEO or Search Engine Optimization for current SE optimizers seeking the skills and SEO certification.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the number of visitors by ranking high in search results of a search engine.

The Search Engine Academy researches the latest SEO trends or processes and incorporate those into classes. Search Engine Academy certified SEO personnel receive the instruction and tools they need to make webpages to be visible in search engine results.

Two, three and five-day SEO certification classes are scheduled approximately every four to six weeks. Currently Search Engine Academy - DC has scheduled a two-day course for January 11 - 12, 2010; a three-day course for January 13 - 15, 2010; and a complete five-day SEO certification course January 11 -15, 2010. SEO certification workshops are also available on demand for companies who wish to train multiple in-house SEO specialists at their facilities.

Search Engine Optimization Washington


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