Google Updates

Google has a couple new elements going on in its results pages. The first one is the addition of brand links for some queries.
In the ones I've seen, they appear near the top of the results, just below the top paid listings. They are not links to the sites of these brands, however. They are links to SERPs for queries that incorporate those brands into them. For example, clicking "Wilson" in the footballs example will take me to results page for "wilson footballs".

Free SEO Tools 2009 released by Bruce Clay

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Free SEO Tools for the best in 2009.

The first SEO Tool is called The Search Engine Optimization or KSP Tool. The keyword research and term or phrase you wish to optimize it. This will help how competitive the keyword term or phrase. I think you know already the keyword competitive.

The second SEO Tool is The SEMToolBar. It is add on for Internet Explorer or available for IE. You can use the search box or search toolbar to conduct a search for the keyword or phrase you like to use. Wait a few moments or seconds once the results load. The toolbar perform its magic in their results with variety of competitive intelligence data including page rank and inbound links.

SEO Guru said...
October 24, 2009 at 12:06 AM  

I think reading is a very important topic. I read tons of blogs in my niche to come up with ideas and topics that I haven’t covered or that I need to cover more of. Great list here...

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